电影最后,Per一个人孤独着面对着苍茫的海,这个他曾想征服,却似乎被其征服了的大海。或许是,大半生的焦灼和奋斗换得的最终内心的平静,最终战胜了海的波澜壮阔。更或许是他的内心和大海最终made peace。
Main Theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cCre4ghJZk
二,《往日情怀》(The Way We Were)
Memories May be beautiful and yet What’s too painful to remember We simply to choose to forget So it’s the laughter We will remember Whenever we remember The way we were
Sound track https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNeaidCg7Fc
HUBBELL: “This isn’t college. This is grown-up politics, Katie, and it’s stupid and dangerous. I’m telling you it’s a waste, that’s what I’m telling you, and that those men (the Hollywood Ten) and their families are only gonna get hurt and nothing’s gonna change. Nothing! And after jail, after five or six years of bad blood, when it’s practical for some fascist producer to hire some communist writer to save his ass because his hit movie’s in trouble, he’ll do it! They’ll both do it! They’ll make movies, they’ll play tennis, they’ll make passes at each other’s wives. Now what the hell did anybody ever go to jail for? For what? A political spat? … People are more important than any god-damned witch hunt. You and me. Not causes, not principles.”
KATIE: “Hubbell, people are their principles.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NX6Eox7mXIE
网上对这段精彩对白的点评:As audiences, we’re left in the middle. Both sides sound fairly accurate, one side yanking at our hopeful idealism, the other at our jaded cynicism. The fact that such a rift would pull these two lovers apart is the greatest touch by writer Arthur Laurents, because he disables us from taking sides one way or the other, and thus we feel the sadness for the doomed relationship in the end.
三,《大河之恋》(A River Runs Through It)
这部电影的导演正是上面刚提到的《往日情怀》(The Way We Were)的男主角Robert Redford。关于Robert Redford是怎么喜爱上Norman Maclean这部小说,并在多次被Maclean拒绝后,仍坚持说服他同意改编成电影的过程,Redford在不少访谈中提及过。
继弟弟死后、父亲母亲相继离世后,电影最后时Norman Maclean的独白:
As time passed, my father struggled for more to hold on to, asking me again and again: had I told him everything. And finally I said to him, “maybe all I really know about Paul is that he was a fine fisherman.” “You know more than that,” my father said; “he was beautiful.”
And that was the last time we ever spoke of my brother’s death.
I remember the last sermon I ever heard my father give, not long before his own death:
Each one of us here today will, at one time in our lives, look upon a loved one in need and ask the same question: We are willing Lord, but what, if anything, is needed? For it is true that we can seldom help those closest to us. Either we don’t know what part of ourselves to give, or more often than not, that part we have to give… is not wanted. And so it is those we live with and should know who elude us… But we can still love them… We can love—completely—even without complete understanding….
Now, nearly all those I loved and did not understand in my youth are dead, even Jessie. But I still reach out to them… When I am alone in the half-light of the canyon, all existence seems to fade away to a being with my soul and memories of the sounds of the Big Blackfoot River, and a four-count rhythm, and the hopes that a fish will rise.
Eventually all things merge into one, and a river runs through it. The river was cut by the earth’s great flood and runs over the rocks from the basement of time. On some of the rocks are timeless raindrops. Under the rocks are the words. And some of the words are theirs.
I am haunted by waters.
Giovanna Carati : Do you know that I still have a postcard you sent me from the North Cape, in ’66, in Norwegian? I think it had an inscription. And under the translation it said: “Everything that exists is beautiful”, With three exclamation points…but do you still believe it? (姐姐Giovanna:你大学毕业后,一个人在北角旅行时给我寄了张明信片,是66年在挪威?你知道吗?我还保存着它,上面大概印着“世事美好!!!”这句话,后面还加了三个感叹号, 现在你还相信这句话吗?)
Nicola Carati : I just don’t believe in exclamation points anymore. (Nicola:我只是不再相信那些感叹号了。)